Ignacio   Darnaude   Rojas - Marcos
Cabeza  del  Rey  Don  Pedro , 9  (2º  B)
 41004   -   Sevilla   ( Spain )
e-mail  :   ummo@hispavista.com
e-mail  :   IGNACIODARNAUDE@terra.es
Página Web / Web Site : http://www.galeon.com/darnaude
----- Original Message -----
The attachments I have sent you , and you have not opened , consist of a long series of reports  ( with drawings and illustrations ) regarding the transient lunar phenomena observed on  crater  Plato  in the second half of  XIX Century by competent scientists , European astronomers members of the  London´s   Royal Astronomical Society.      This is a    very important    information ,
original and practically unknown to date , that is , a valuable informative jewel.        As then a member of the   Royal Astronomical Society ,    about  1972  I obtained this  Plato TLP database from the librarian of the   R.A.S. , a very much efficient and servicial professional.
You can see this  Plato material consulting the website    http://www.galeon.com/darnaude            .        If you authorize me , I may fordward you  again these  "Platonic"  papers  as an attachment of a repeated e-mail.       If you are not interested in the above mentioned Plato  TLP , I perhaps will send the Plato treasure to   Richard Hoagland   and/or    Steve Troy.     Please say me if I           e-mail you again the Plato anomalies attachment.        Best regards. 
From: Mike Bara
To: Igancio Darnaude
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: Anomalies on Lunar Crater Plato

I am sorry, but I cannot open unsolicited attachments.

"All government agencies lie part of the time, but NASA is the only one I've
 ever encountered that does so routinely."
-- George A. Keyworth, Science Adviser to President Reagan
----- Original Message -----
From: Igancio Darnaude
To: lunaranomalies@mn.rr.com
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 7:34 AM
Subject: Anomalies on Lunar Crater Plato

Ignacio   Darnaude   Rojas - Marcos
Cabeza  del  Rey  Don  Pedro , 9  (2º  B)
 41004   -   Sevilla   ( Spain )
e-mail  :   ummo@hispavista.com
e-mail  :   IGNACIODARNAUDE@terra.es
Página Web / Web Site : http://www.galeon.com/darnaude
Michael Bara
Lunar TLP Anomalies Research
Dear Mr. Bara ,
I am sending you enclosed a compilation of transient lunar phenomena observed on crater Plato in late XIX Century.
Please explain to me the possibilities of publicating in the Internet this  original and unknown Moon  material.
Thanking you in advance and best regards.